Homes not Hotels: Cap Airbnbs in Victoria

A pink and orange background with white text that says: Homes, not Hotels

This state budget we have an opportunity to make more homes available for renters by regulating short stays like Airbnb. Write to the Minister for Consumer Affairs and the Treasurer asking them to properly regulate the short stays industry.  There are 48,000 homes on platforms like Airbnb. Labor’s proposed 7.5% levy on short stays alone […]


A photo of a red carboard house that says: save public housing. It is at the steps of the state library

WE NEED YOUR HELP COLLECTING SIGNATURES FOR A PARLIAMENTARY PETITION TO SAVE PUBLIC HOUSING. We are supporting a resident petition demanding that Labor stop the privatisation of public housing. If we collect 2000 paper signatures, we can force a special debate in Parliament about Labor’s plan to demolish all 44 towers and hold them accountable. […]

Ending Homelessness in Prahran

A photo of a red carboard house that says: save public housing. It is at the steps of the state library

Everyone needs a safe and secure place to call home. Yet more Victorians are homeless than ever before.  Each night there are around 30,000 people across the state who are sleeping on the street, in their cars or in unsafe or insecure houses. Prahran has some of the highest levels of homelessness in our state. […]