Adjournment- St Kilda Primary School Community Hub

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is for the minister to come to the Prahran electorate and visit St Kilda Primary School to hear from students and the school community as to why they desperately need a community hub to be built at the school.

Adjournment – Cost of Living

My adjournment is for the Premier, and the action I seek is for the Premier to go further and faster in reducing cost-of-living pressures on Victorians. So many Victorians, in particular young people, are facing rising housing, transport, energy and day-to-day living costs along with flatlining wages

Adjournment- Public School Funding

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education. The action I seek is for the minister to invest more in public schools above the current state-federal funding agreement.

Adjournment- Prahran Arts and Education Precinct

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Training and Skills. The action I seek is for the government’s support in the development and the realisation of a Prahran arts and education precinct at the Prahran TAFE campus.

Education and Training Reform Amendment Bill 2020 Second Reading

I rise to speak in support of the Education and Training Reform Amendment Bill 2020. As other speakers have outlined, this is a relatively small and simple bill that broadly makes two amendments that I will point out: it clarifies that the Victorian Curriculum and Assessment Authority has the power to employ staff during peak exam times in the school year and makes a technical amendment in terms of changing the definition of an early childhood teacher in the act

Adjournment- Student Remote Learning Resources

My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education, and the action I seek is for the minister to allow every Victorian school student who has received a laptop or tablet from the state government to learn from home to keep them.

Motion- Budget Papers 2019-2020

With the short time I have got available, when I left off previously I was talking about school funding, and in the time since my last contribution the school funding deal has been signed. But what I would point out, as I commented at the time, is that the federal Liberal bad deal won out […]