Members Statement – Melbourne Youth Orchestras
I would like to congratulate the 15 young musicians from the Prahran electorate to have been accepted into the Melbourne Youth Orchestra’s ensemble program in 2024. I hope that the state government funding will be reinstated for this important program, which fosters growth in young students. The Melbourne Youth Orchestra provides students with an avenue to […]
Adjournment- Public School Funding
My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Education. The action I seek is for the minister to invest more in public schools above the current state-federal funding agreement.
Education and Training Reform Amendment (Regulation of Student Accomodation) Bill 2020 Second Reading
I rise on behalf of the Victorian Greens to speak to the Education and Training Reform Amendment (Regulation of Student Accommodation) Bill 2020. This bill is bringing school boarding premises under the remit of the Victorian Registration and Qualifications Authority (VRQA), ensuring that boarding schools must comply with the Victorian child safe standards.
Justice Legislation Amendment (Unlawful Association and Criminal Appeals) Bill 2018 Second Reading
I am going to speak on the Justice Legislation Amendment (Unlawful Association and Criminal Appeals) Bill 2018, which proposes two changes: to amend the Criminal Organisations Control Act 2012 regarding unlawful association offences and to abolish de novo appeals for criminal matters in the summary jurisdiction, replacing them with a new appeal process. Yes, the Greens […]