Members Statement – Energy Policy

I rise to condemn Labor’s approval of new offshore gas projects. It beggars belief that in the middle of a climate crisis the Victorian Labor government has given Beach Energy a permit to drill for and extract gas under the ocean right near the Twelve Apostles when we know that fossil fuels need to be […]

Statement on Energy Policy

This is the critical decade for climate action. Members of the Prahran community know we are in a climate emergency, and we want to be powered by 100 per cent renewable energy.

Grievance Debate – Transport Emissions

I rise today to join the grievance debate. I want to focus my grievance on the emissions and air pollution created by our transport system here in Victoria, adding to the climate crisis and damaging the health of Victorians.

Zero and Low Emission Vehicle Distance-Based Charge Bill 2021 Second Reading

I rise to speak on behalf the Greens to the Zero and Low Emission Vehicle Distance-based Charge Bill 2021, a bill that will put a standalone tax on electric vehicles, a bill that is coming at a time when we are facing a climate crisis; when transport is our biggest growing source of emissions in Victoria, our biggest source of emissions outside our coal-fired power stations, coming in at around 20 to 25 per cent of our emissions and growing; and when Victoria and Australia are lagging behind the rest of the world when it comes to the uptake of electric vehicles.

Victoria’s Big Build

I rise to speak on the matter of public importance put forward by the member for Eltham in regard to the government’s investment in transport infrastructure.

Green New Deal

I rise to join this grievance debate to grieve for all those Victorians who have become unemployed, who have lost work or who have had reduced hours who are now facing both financial and housing insecurity brought on by the COVID economic crisis.

Adjournment- Climate Change

My adjournment matter is for the Premier, and the action I seek is for the Premier to increase his government’s ambition on climate action here in Victoria in the wake of the devastating bushfires that have occurred across our state and across the country.

Motion- Bushfires

I rise in support of the fire condolence motion moved by the Premier. The impacts of these fires that have occurred over this summer in 2020 have been catastrophic

Dangerous Goods Amendment (Penalty Reform) Bill 2019 Second Reading

I rise to speak on the Dangerous Goods Amendment (Penalty Reform) Bill 2019. This bill increases penalties for offences under the Dangerous Goods Act 1985 and creates a new offence for reckless conduct in respect to dangerous goods that endangers people. This comes in response to three major toxic fires that have occurred at sites […]