Members Statement – Stella Barton
I rise to congratulate Windsor local Stella Barton, who competed in the para-equestrian with her stallion Lord Larmarque
Adjournment – Lifting the Punt Road PAO
My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Planning, and the action I seek is for the minister to finally lift the Punt Road public acquisition overlay.
Constituency Questions – Social Housing Recommendations
My question is to the Minister for Housing, and I ask on behalf of residents who reside in public housing: when will the government implement the recommendations laid out in the Ombudsman’s report on the social housing complaints handling system?
Members Statement – Tibetan Community
I rise today to support the Tibetan people’s nonviolent struggle for freedom and autonomy.
Members Statement – Housing Crisis
I also speak in support of new proposed laws to give local councils the ability to regulate Airbnbs.
Questions without notice – Windsor Community Children’s Centre
Minister, local families want to know: will the government ensure common sense and community needs prevail and stop this rezoning?
Second Reading – Prahran Mechanics’ Institute Repeal Bill
I rise to speak on behalf of the Victorian Greens on the Prahran Mechanics’ Institute Repeal Bill 2024. Can I commend the house on their interest in this bill and their interest in the PMI and in mechanics institutes more broadly – particularly the Leader of the Nationals, who did a very good job in […]
Constituency Question – St Kilda Primary Community Hub
My question is to the Minister for Education. St Kilda Primary School has been a thriving school for 150 years. However, it is in drastic need of an indoor community hub for school and community use. When the previous sports hall was demolished there was an understanding that there would be a replacement built. The state government […]
Members Statement – Energy Policy
I rise to condemn Labor’s approval of new offshore gas projects. It beggars belief that in the middle of a climate crisis the Victorian Labor government has given Beach Energy a permit to drill for and extract gas under the ocean right near the Twelve Apostles when we know that fossil fuels need to be […]
Adjournment – Windsor Community Children’s Centre
My adjournment matter is for the Minister for Planning, and the action that I seek is for the minister to reject the rezoning of 131–133 Union Street, Windsor, which is home to the Windsor Community Children’s Centre; and retain the current public use zone for education. Swinburne Uni, who have been gifted the land, are trying […]