Constituency Questions – South Yarra Station Upgrade

19 Jun 2019

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Mr Hibbins to ask the Minister for Transport Infrastructure — 

My constituency question is for the Minister for Transport Infrastructure, and I ask again: what is the latest information and time line on the South Yarra station upgrade and master plan?

In response to my previous question the minister stated that work would commence this year and that there had been widespread consultation. However, we had to find out in the recent budget that the time line for completion has been pushed out by half a year to halfway through next year due to contractual lease negotiations. The original South Yarra station master plan project time line had the release of the draft master plan to the community set for early 2019; it is now June, with no draft master plan.

Minister, what is the latest information on these two important projects? With 28 000 people using the station every day and growing population growth right next door to the station, it is really important that the community is kept informed and that South Yarra station gets the upgrades that it needs as soon as possible.

Answer – 23 July 2019

I thank the Member for his question. 

The works to upgrade South Yarra station will be undertaken during an upcoming period where the rail line is closed because of Metro Tunnel works. This will minimise disruption to commuters.  As per usual practice, the public will be advised of this disruption in advance, including of alternative arrangements.

Jacinta Allan MP
Minister for Transport Infrastructure

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